I. General Requirements
A. Furnish and install ( ) low pressure, wet base, cast iron sectional boiler(s) with power
burner(s) that pressurize the firebox and operate under forced and balanced draft.
B. Assemble and install boiler-burner unit(s) in compliance with manufacturers installation
instructions. All work must be done in a neat and workman like manner.
C. Weil-McLain (P)(A)(B) L, (P)(A)(B) G, (P)(A)(B) GL- ( )88-(W) (S)F boiler(s) with burner(s)
capable of burning natural gas at ( )” W.C. inlet pressure and/or No. 2 fuel oil.
1. (B) Boiler-burner unit Field assembled (standard).
2. (A) Boiler-burner unit with factory assembled sections.
3. (P) Boiler-burner unit completely packaged and fire tested
4. Natural gas fired and/or No. 2 fuel oil.
5. Water or steam.
6. Forced or balanced draft.
D. Boiler(s) shall have I=B=R Hydronics Institute gross output(s) at 100% firing rate –
( ) MBH per boiler.
E. Boiler(s) shall be manufactured by ISO 9001 registered company to conform to Section IV of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
1. Individual sections (and section assembly) to be hydrostatically pressure tested at
factory in accordance with ASME requirements.
2. Maximum allowable working pressure 50 PSIG water and 15 PSIG steam cast as part
of section with ASME symbol (Water only: optional 80 PSIG stamped in section in
place of 50 PSIG).
F. Regulatory Requirements
1. Boiler(s) and controls to comply with applicable regulations.
2. Provide U.L. labeled burner(s).
3. Provide add option for local code(s) ie: MASS Code BAR
G. Submittals
1. Submit shop drawings and product data.
2. Submittal packet to include boiler (and burner) manufacturer descriptive literature,
installation instructions, operating instructions, and maintenance instructions.
Port openings must be of captured seal design – a machined groove assures uniform
compression of the sealing ring and protects the seal from contaminants. Elastomer
sealing rings are to be used to provide permanent water-tight seal between sections.
Unlike cast iron or steel push nipples, the elasticity of the seals fills any gaps caused
by misalignment or expansion or contraction.
Provided with flexible refractory blankets attached to back and floor of combustion
Shipped with insulated heavy gauge steel jacket(s) with durable powdered paint
enamel finish. Jacket designed to be installed after connecting supply and return
D. Tankless heaters or indirect water heaters
Provide ( ) internal tankless water heater(s) inserted into the left hand side of the
tankless intermediate (TI) section in the opening provided. Allow 34” minimum
clearance on left side of boiler for cleaning and servicing. Tankless openings must be
on same side as the flue passage cleanout plates to minimize space requirements.
E. Boiler foundation(s):
Installer to construct needed support and level concrete foundation(s) where boiler
room floor is uneven or will not support the weight of the boiler(s).
Boiler trim:
1. All electrical components to be of high quality and bear the U.L. label.
a) Water boiler(s) controls furnished:
1) Combination low temperature limit (operating) and high temperature limit control.
2) Low temperature limit set according to system design. High temperature limit set
at least 20°F higher than the low limit (240°F is the maximum allowable water
3) Combination pressure-temperature gauge with dial clearly marked and easy to
4) ASME certified pressure relief valve, set to relieve at 30 PSIG. Optional relief
valves available up to and including maximum allowable pressure. Side outlet
discharge type; contractor to pipe outlet to floor drain or near floor, avoiding any
area where freezing could occur.
b) Steam boiler(s) standard controls furnished:
1) Low pressuretrol (operating) and high pressuretrol set at maximum pressure as
a safety control.
2) Steam pressure gauge with dial clearly marked and easy to read.
3) Gauge cock water set with gauge glass, guards and aluminum water level plate.
4) ASME certified pressure relief valve, set to relieve at 15 PSIG. Side outlet
discharge type; contractor to pipe outlet to floor drain or near floor, avoiding any
area where freezing could occur.
c) Low water cut-off for water or steam boiler(s):
1) Boiler(s) to be furnished with U.L. labeled low water cut-off with ASME working
pressure rating equal to the ASME rating of the relief valve.
2) Do not use quick-connect fittings on boiler(s).
3) Install cut-off according to manufacturer’s instructions.
4) Locate so burner shuts down if boiler water level falls below allowable safe
waterline (steam boilers, ¼” above bottom of gauge glass).
5) Steam boiler primary low water cut-off shall be a float type – auto reset.
6) Steam boiler secondary low water cut-off shall be a float type – manual reset.
Burner(s) construction, features and requirements:
1. Burner fuel supply system and burner installation to conform to burner manufacturer’s
installation instructions and applicable codes.
2. Burner motor characteristics: ˆ 120/60/1, ˆ 240/60/1, ˆ 208/60/3, ˆ 240/60/3,
ˆ 480/60/3.
3. Control characteristics 120/60/1.
4. Burner fuel – natural gas 4.0” W.C. minimum, No. 2 fuel oil.
5. Code(s) - ˆ standard boiler, ˆ CSD-1, ˆ FM, ˆ IRI
6. Burner(s) to have U.L. label(s) supplied by the burner manufacturer.
7. Burner(s) designed to ensure high efficiency and good performance under forced draft
conditions with 0.1” W.C. positive pressure at the flue collar.
8. Burner to be adjusted to provide 9.5 to 10.0% CO2 for gas and/or 11.5 to 12% CO2
with zero smoke for oil firing.
9. Burner(s) manufactured by: ˆ Power-Flame, ˆ Gordon-Piatt, ˆ Webster;
10. Burner operating mode: ˆ on-off, ˆ low-high-off, ˆ low-high-low, ˆ modulating
A. Panel options – power on/fuel on light is standard on all burner(s) with panels.
1) Call For Heat
2) Ignition On
3) Pilot Failure
4) Low Water
5) Flame Failure
6) Silencing Switch
7) Control Fuse and Holder
8) Post Purge Timer
9) Alarm Bell
B. Start-up and Service
The contractor shall obtain the services of a factory authorized agent to provide
burner light-off and adjustment. The start-up agent shall provide a burner light-
off report as written proof that the burner was adjusted to optimum performance.
The authorized agent shall provide a one year service warranty after start-up.
500 Blaine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360-2388
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