Silicon Laboratories Toolstick Ek User Manual

1. Kit Contents  
The ToolStick kit contains the following items:  
• Silicon Laboratories Evaluation Kit IDE and Product Information CD-ROM. CD content includes:  
• Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE)  
• Keil Software 8051 Development Tools (evaluation assembler, linker and C compiler)  
• Source code examples and register definition files  
• Documentation  
• Demo software  
ToolStick User’s Guide (this document)  
2. ToolStick Overview  
The purpose of the ToolStick is to provide a way to easily evaluate the Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development  
Environment (IDE) and the on-chip debug capabilities of the microcontrollers.  
The ToolStick is a fully contained evaluation board. The target microcontroller on the board is a Silicon Laboratories  
C8051F300. The target device is connected to a C8051F320 microcontroller which provides a USB debug  
interface between the PC and the target device. The ToolStick enumerates as a Human Interface Device and so  
drivers are not necessary to communicate with the device. For more information regarding the C8051F300, see the  
C8051F30x data sheet.  
Two of the digital I/O pins on the target C8051F300 microcontroller are connected to two pairs of LEDs. These  
LEDs provide feedback for the user. The ToolStick kit includes two example programs that make use of the LEDs.  
These examples are detailed in Sections 5 and 6 of this User’s Guide.  
Figure 1 shows the ToolStick without the plastic case and identifies the various components.  
Green and  
Red LEDs  
provides USB  
debug interface  
Debug LEDs  
C8051F300 Target Device  
Figure 1. ToolStick Board  
Rev. 0.2 10/05  
Copyright © 2005 by Silicon Laboratories  
5.1. Connecting to the Device and Downloading Firmware  
This section describes how to open the IDE, open and build a project, connect to a device and download the firmware.  
1. Open the Silicon Laboratories IDE from the Start  
2. Connect the ToolStick to a USB port on the PC  
3. In the IDE, go to Project Open Project  
Silicon Laboratories menu  
4. Browse to C:\SiLabs\MCU\Demos\ToolStick\Blink_LED\  
5. Select Blink_LED.wsp and click OK  
6. In the IDE, select Project Rebuild Project  
7. Go to Options Connection Options  
8. Select “USB Debug Adapter” for the Serial Adapter and “C2” for the Debug Interface, and then click “OK”  
9. Go to Debug Connect  
10. Download the code using the download button on the menu bar or use alt-D  
Once these steps are completed, the firmware is built into an object file (step 6) and downloaded to the device  
(step 10). The device is now ready to begin executing code. If all of these steps were followed successfully, the  
“Go” option is enabled in the Debug menu. A green circle icon in the IDE toolbar also indicates that the device is  
ready to run. If one of the steps leads to an error, make sure that the ToolStick is properly inserted in a USB port  
and start again with step 3.  
5.2. Running and Stopping Code Execution  
Once the IDE is connected to the device and the firmware is loaded, the IDE can start and stop the code execution.  
The following steps can be performed using the buttons on the toolbar or using the options in the Debug menu.  
1. To start code execution, click the green “Go” button on the toolbar or use the Debug  
Go menu option.  
The green and red LEDs on the ToolStick will start to alternately flash. The debug commands on the IDE  
(single-step, multiple-step, set breakpoint, and others) are disabled when the device is running.  
2. To stop code execution, click the red “Stop” button on the toolbar or use the Debug Stop menu option.  
The device will halt code execution and all of the registers and pin on the device will hold their state. When  
the ToolStick firmware is stopped, one of the LEDs will be on and the other will be off.  
All debug windows and watch windows are refreshed when the device is stopped. If any of the values in these win-  
dows have changed since the last time the device was halted, the new value is shown in red text instead of black text.  
5.3. Viewing and Modifying Registers  
All registers on the device can be viewed and modified when the device is in a halt state. The registers are grouped  
together according to which peripheral or part of hardware they belong. As an example, this guide shows how to  
open the Ports Debug Window and modify the status of the port pins directly from the IDE.  
1. Open the Ports Debug Window from the View  
Debug Windows  
Ports menu option. The Ports  
Debug Window appears on the right-hand side of the IDE. The logic value of the Port 0 pins is stored in the  
P0 register. If the value of P0 is 0xF7, port pin P0.2 is high and the red LEDs on the ToolStick are on and the  
green LEDs are off. If the value of P0 is 0xFB, port pin P0.3 is high and the green LEDs are on and the red  
LEDs are off.  
2. To enable both LEDs at the same time, the logic level of pins P0.2 and P0.3 need to be high. In the Ports  
Debug Window, double-click on the P0 value to move the cursor. Change the value of P0 to 0xFF, then  
select Debug Refresh. This will write the value of 0xFF directly to the Port 0 pins and the pins will reflect  
the value immediately. This can be confirmed by looking at the ToolStick.  
3. Click on the “Go” button or select Debug Go. The device will resume execution and the LEDs will con-  
tinue to blink synchronously.  
4. Click on the “Stop” button.  
5. In the Ports Debug Window, change the value of P0 to 0xF7 or 0xFB, and then click the Refresh button.  
This will have the LEDs blink alternately as before.  
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Changing the values of registers does not require recompiling the code or redownloading the firmware. At any  
time, the device can be halted and the values of the registers can be changed. The firmware will continue execu-  
tion using the new values. This capability greatly speeds up the debugging process.  
The debug windows for the other sets of registers are found in the View Debug Windows SFR’s menu.  
5.4. Enabling and Using Watch Windows  
The Debug Windows in the View menu are used to view and modify hardware registers. To view and modify vari-  
ables in code, the IDE provides watch windows. Just as with register debug windows, variables in the watch win-  
dows are updated each time the device is halted. This section of the User’s Guide explains how to add a variable  
to the watch window and modify the variable. The variable T2_Overflow_Count is a counter that stores the number  
of times the LEDs blink.  
1. If the device is running, stop execution using the “Stop” button or use the Debug  
Stop menu option.  
2. In the File View on the left-hand side of the IDE, double-click on BLINK_LED.c to open the source file. The  
source file might already be open.  
3. Scroll to the bottom of the source file and right-click on the variable “T2_Overflow_Count”. In the context  
menu that appears, select “Add T2_Overflow_Count to Watch” and then choose “Default.” On the right-  
hand portion of the IDE, the watch window appears and the T2_Overflow_Count variable is added. The  
current value of the variable is shown to the right of the name.  
4. Start and stop the device a few times. See that the value of the T2_Overflow_Count is incremented each  
time the LEDs blink.  
5. When the device is halted, click on the value field in the watch window and change the value to 0. Then  
click the Refresh button or select Debug Refresh to write the new value to the device.  
6. Start and stop the device a few times to watch the variable increment starting from 0.  
Changing the values of variables does not require recompiling the code or redownloading the firmware. At any  
time, the device can be halted and the values of the variables can be changed. The firmware will continue execu-  
tion using the new values.  
5.5. Setting and Running to Breakpoints  
The Silicon Laboratories microcontroller devices support up to four hardware breakpoints. A breakpoint is associ-  
ated with a specific line of code. When the processor reaches a hardware breakpoint, the code execution stops,  
and the IDE refreshes all debug and watch windows. The on-chip debug hardware allows for breakpoints to be  
placed on any line of executable code, including code in Interrupt Service Routines. This section provides steps to  
set a breakpoint on the line of source code that increments the T2_Overflow_Count variable.  
1. If the device is running, stop execution using the “Stop” button or use the Debug  
Stop menu option.  
2. Scroll to the bottom of the source file and right-click on the variable “T2_Overflow_Count”. In the context  
menu that appears, select “Insert/Remove Breakpoint.” On the left side of the line in the editor window, a  
red circle is added to indicate a breakpoint is placed on the source line.  
3. Click the “Go” button or select the Debug Go menu option.  
4. After a short time, the IDE will show that the device is halted. A blue line will be placed in the editor window  
to indicate where the code execution has stopped.  
5. Start the processor a few more times. Notice that the LEDs blink once for every time the processor is  
started and the T2_Overflow_Counter also increments by one.  
Rev. 0.2  
5.6. Single-Stepping Through Firmware  
The IDE supports the ability to single-step through firmware one assembly instruction at a time. The IDE reads the  
Flash from device, converts the instructions to assembly and displays them in a disassembly window. The following  
steps show how to open the disassembly window and single step through firmware.  
1. If a breakpoint is not already set on the line of code that increments the T2_Overflow_Count variable, set  
the breakpoint using the steps described in Section 5.5.  
2. Start the processor using the “Go” button and wait until it stops on the breakpoint.  
3. Select View Debug Windows Disassembly. The disassembly window will appear on the right-hand  
side of the IDE if it is not already open.  
4. To execute one assembly instruction at a time, click the “Step” button on the toolbar or select the Debug →  
Step menu option. The highlighted line in the disassembly window indicates the next instruction to be exe-  
cuted. The blue line marker in the editor window will stay on the same .C source line until all of the assem-  
bly instructions are completed.  
The disassembly window has three columns. The left column is the address of the instruction in Flash. The middle  
column is the instruction in hex. The right column is the disassembled instruction. The Disassembly debug window  
and the capability to single-step through firmware allows a developer to see exactly what instructions are executed  
and their output.  
6. PWM Demo  
In addition to the demo Blink_LED example software, the ToolStick CD also includes a demo project named  
PWM_LED. This demo firmware uses the hardware Programmable Counter Array modules on the C8051F300 in  
8-bit PWM mode to drive the LEDs on the ToolStick.  
The project and source files for the demo can be found in the C:\SiLabs\MCU\Demos\ToolStick\PWM\ folder.  
7. Configuration Wizard 2  
Configuration Wizard 2 helps accelerate development by automatically generating initialization source code to con-  
figure and enable the on-chip resources needed by most design projects. Configuration Wizard 2 is installed as part  
of the demo installation.  
This chapter of the User’s Guide describes the basic features and capabilities of Configuration Wizard 2.  
7.1. Configuration Wizard 2 Options  
When Configuration Wizard 2 is opened, the program lists the device families that it supports. Based on the target  
device, first select the device family and then the specific part number.  
The default source file that appears initially includes the header file for the device. As the initialization code is gen-  
erated for each hardware peripheral, it is added to source file.  
Configuration Wizard 2 can output the initialization code in either C or assembly. The selection between C and  
assembly is done using the Options Code Format menu option.  
Rev. 0.2  
7.2. Generating Initialization Code  
As an example, the following steps show how to generate initialization code for the Programmable Counter Array  
module on a C8051F300. The code generated is similar to the PWM PCA initialization example code described in  
1. Open Configuration Wizard from the Start  
Silicon Laboratories menu.  
2. Select C8051F30x as the Device Family and C8051F300 as the Part Number.  
3. Select the Peripherals PCA menu option. The top part of the new window has the peripheral options.  
The lower part shows the initialization code.  
4. In the PCA0 tab, select “Enable PCA0.” Notice the code that is inserted in the bottom half of the window.  
5. In the Module 0 tab, select “8-bit Pulse Width Modulator”  
6. In the Module 1 tab, select “8-bit Pulse Width Modulator”  
7. In the Module 2/WDT tab, uncheck “Enable Watchdog Timer”  
8. Click “OK.” The initialization code is inserted in a new function PCA_Init(). This function can be directly  
inserted in to a final project.  
Configuration Wizard 2 can be used the configure the oscillators, port pins and other peripherals in a similar man-  
ner. The Peripherals menu of Configuration Wizard is customized based on the device family and part number. The  
options in the menu show which peripherals are supported. More information regarding any peripheral can be found  
in the device family’s respective data sheet.  
8. Information Locations  
Example source code is installed in the “C:\SiLabs\MCU\Demos\ToolStick” directory during IDE installation.  
Documentation for the ToolStick kit, including this User’s Guide, can be found in the C:\SiLabs\MCU\Demos\Tool-  
Stick\Documentation\ folder.  
Rev. 0.2  
9. Schematic  
Rev. 0.2  
Silicon Laboratories Inc.  
4635 Boston Lane  
Austin, TX 78735  
Tel: 1+(512) 416-8500  
Fax: 1+(512) 416-9669  
Toll Free: 1+(877) 444-3032  
The information in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice.  
Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions, and disclaims responsibility for any consequences resulting from  
the use of information included herein. Additionally, Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for the functioning of undescribed features  
or parameters. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice. Silicon Laboratories makes no warranty, rep-  
resentation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Silicon Laboratories assume any liability  
arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation conse-  
quential or incidental damages. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in applications intended to  
support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Silicon Laboratories product could create a situation where per-  
sonal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Silicon Laboratories products for any such unintended or unauthorized ap-  
plication, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Silicon Laboratories harmless against all claims and damages.  
Silicon Laboratories and Silicon Labs are trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc.  
Other products or brandnames mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.  
Rev. 0.2  

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