Instruction Manual
for W20in0d0ows
English Edition 2.0e
for Windows 95/98/2000
Thank you very much for purchasing the Cat Eye MSC Download Kit.
MSC Download Kit contains the software “e-Train Data” and the interface unit that connects the
Cat Eye MSC heart rate computers to your PC.
The data stored in your MSC heart rate computer is downloaded to your PC through e-Train
Data. You can further arrange it on the screen in graphical format. The data can further be
arranged into a different format using other software.
This manual describes how to use e-Train Data, as well as cautions that must be followed
during operation. Please read this manual carefully and understand it thoroughly before using
the MSC Download Kit. After reading through the manual, store it in a safe place.
Always follow the cautions that are marked with “Caution”.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted without the prior written permission
of Cat Eye Co., Ltd.
The illustrations in this manual may be different from the actual design due to the changes.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
If there should be any errors or inaccuracies in this manual, please contact our office or your
local dealer for clarification.
* Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
* IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
CAT EYE Co., Ltd.
DLK2.0E-000426 2
Printed in Japan
Register your MSC Download Kit according to the procedure on page 36.
e -Tra in Da ta ™
INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
ABOUT THIS MANUAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
CHANGES FROM THE OLD VERSION ---------------------------------------------------- 2
CONTENTS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
ABOUT e-Train Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
BEFORE YOU BEGIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
INSTALLING e-Train Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
OPERATING e-Train Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Starting e-Train Data------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Opening/Closing file-------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Exploring the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Specifying range ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
Zooming graph ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19
Reducing graph ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Changing horizontal axis------------------------------------------------------------ 21
Smoothing graph---------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
Superimposing H.R. target zone data ------------------------------------------- 23
Superimposing lap data ------------------------------------------------------------- 24
Viewing more than two files on the screen ------------------------------------- 25
Printing data---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
To exit e-Train Data ------------------------------------------------------------------ 28
DOWNLOADING DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Names ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Battery installation -------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Connecting with PC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 30
Installing MSC-unit ------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Downloading data -------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
QUICK REFERENCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
TROUBLE SHOOTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35
LIMITED WARRANTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
REGISTRATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
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ABOUT e-Train Data
e-Train Data is the software that downloads data from MSC-unit to PC.
On the PC screen, e-Train Data arranges the downloaded data in the graphical format.
Main features:
Downloadable: ------- Downloads memory record data, lap data and heart rate target zone
data; and saves them in files.
Graphical: ------------- Displays the data in the graphical format on the screen, and prints the
Analyzable: ----------- Analyzes data in detail (can specify the desired ranges of the graph
area; can zoom and smooth the graph).
Overlap: ---------------- Superimposes lap data and heart rate target zone data over memory
record data.
Multi Window: -------- More than two files can be displayed on the screen simultaneously.
Changeable: ---------- Can change the horizontal axis between elapsed time and trip distance;
can also change the calibration of the horizontal axis.
Workable:-------------- The downloaded data is in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. By
applying other software, the data can be freely arranged into different
Note: If e-Train Data files are opened by other spread sheet software and saved by that format,
it might not be opened again by e-Train Data. When using other software, please save
the file with a different name using “save as...” command, so that the original file made by
e-Train Data will remain as a backup file.
Note: If your MSC-unit does not have cadence function, you cannot download cadence data.
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Check your package
Your package includes the following items:
A. Floppy disk
Program disk --------------------------------- 1
B. Interface unit ---------------------------------- 1
C. Dry battery AAA (LR03) ------------------- 4
D. Instruction Manual (English) -------------- 1
Check your equipment
To install and use e-Train Data, you need:
• Computer: -------------------------- Windows 95/98 or Windows 2000
RS232C serial port [9-pin] (to connect with the interface unit)
If you are using PC other than IBM (or IBM PC/AT), you need
an adapter for the serial port.
• Display: ----------------------------- 640x480dot or higher resolution
• Available hard disk space: ----- 2MB minimum
• Printer: ------------------------------ for Windows 95/98 or Windows 2000
• Mouse: ------------------------------ for Windows 95/98 or Windows 2000
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e-Train Data file is installed in the “Program file” unless you specify another file.
If you have been using the old version of e-Train Data, uninstall it first.
If installation of the new e-Train Data is unsuccessful, uninstall it and try again.
How to uninstall
Double-click “My Computer”. Open [Control Panel] – [Add/Remove programs].
Find “e-Train Data” from the list and click it.
Click the “Add/Remove…” button. Uninstallation is completed.
1. Start Windows 95/98/2000.
2. If you have been using the old version of e-Train Data, uninstall it first.
3. Insert the program disk in your floppy disk drive.
4. Double-click “My Computer”. Double-click “3.5’ FD”.
Reference: You can also start from “Explore”.
5. Double-click the “Setup.exe” file.
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6. You will see the setup dialogue box showing the install process.
7. Select the directory where you will install the file, and click [Next]. A new folder is automati-
cally created.
8. When installation is completed, the following dialogue box appears.
9. Click [Finish].
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OPERATING e-Train Data
Basic Information
The functions of e-Train Data can be best optimized when memory record data is opened in
the graph area, and heart rate target zone data and lap data is superimposed over memory
record data.
By using the “specify-range” function, “zooming” function and “smoothing” function, you can
analyze your data in detail.
Lap data alone can be displayed in the graphical form.
Heart rate target zone data alone cannot be displayed in the graphical form. Instead, it is
shown in the table form.
Let’s start with the basic operation using the sample file.
Starting e-Train Data
1. Start Windows 95/98/2000.
2. Go to the Windows taskbar and click the [Start] button.
Select [program] – [e-Train Data] – [e-Train]. Then the following screen appears.
If e-Train Data does not start properly, re-install it again.
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Opening/Closing file
1. Click the [Open File] button in the toolbar. (Or choose [Open…] from the [File] menu.)
The following dialogue box appears.
2. Choose the [sample1] file and click [Open].
The sample1 file (memory record data) appears.
3. Click [Close File] button in the toolbar. Sample1 file is closed.
Open the sample1 file again.
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Exploring the screen
Menu Bar
Click each menu and the commands appear in the pull-down box.
The menus are common in memory record data, lap data and heart rate target zone data.
Ineffective commands are shown in gray.
Screen of memory record data
The screen consists of the tool bar, information panel and graph area.
Menu bar
Tool bar
Information panel 1
Information panel 2
Graph area
Speed (blue)
Cadence (green)
Heartrate (red)
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Tool bar
The following commands are available in the tool bar.
Open File ------------------------------------------ Opens e-Train data file.
Save ------------------------------------------------ Saves e-Train data file.
Close File ------------------------------------------ Closes e-Train data file.
Print ------------------------------------------------- Opens the dialogue box for printing.
Download ------------------------------------------ Downloads data from MSC-unit. (The dialogue box
Exit -------------------------------------------------- Exits e-Train data.
Zoom ----------------------------------------------- Zooms the designated section of the graph.
Reduce --------------------------------------------- Restores the zoomed graph to its previous state.
Specify Range------------------------------------ The figures in the specified range is shown in the
information panel 1.
Change The Horizontal Axis ------------------ Changes the horizontal axis between distance and
Smooth --------------------------------------------- Smoothes the graph lines. With right-click, smooth-
ing level can be chosen.
Open Training Zone File over the graph -- Superimposes heart rate target zone data over
memory record data. With right-click, [zone 1 –
zone 4] can be chosen.
Open Lap Data File over the graph --------- Superimposes lap data over memory record data.
Open File
Close File
Specify Range
Smooth Open Lap Data File
over the graph
Change The Horizontal Axis Open Training Zone
File over the graph
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Information panel 1
There are five tabs in the panel 1.
Info. tab ----------- The file number, downloaded date and the person’s name is displayed here.
Date and name is editable.
Memo tab --------- Write any memo about the data here. The maximum number of character is
All Range tab ---- The maximum, minimum and average figure in the whole range of the data is
displayed here.
Visible Range tab -- The maximum, minimum and average figure in the visible range (the
zoomed range) is displayed here.
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Partial Range tab -- The maximum, minimum and average figure in the area specified in the
[Specify Range] operation is displayed here. (Refer to page 18.)
*H.R. target zone - When heart rate target zone date is being superimposed, the zone stay time
in each zone and its ratio is displayed in the All Range, Visible Range and
Partial Range tabs.
shown on the
Information panel 2
The “Cursor” column shows the data where the cursor(+) points.
The “Marked Point” column shows the data of the point where the markline is anchored. To
anchor the markline, just click anywhere on the graph. (The line becomes blue.)
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Graph area
Line-graph shows speed (blue), heart rate (red) and cadence (green).
Note: If your MSC-unit does not have cadence function, cadence data does not appear.
The horizontal axis can be changed between time and distance. (Refer to page 11.)
Cadence calibration
Heartrate calibration
Cursor line→
Heartrate (red)
Speed (blue)
Cadence (green)
Horizontal Axis
(time or distance)
Speed calibration
When lap data is superimposed over the graph, the lap points are shown by ◊. (Refer to page
When heart rate target zone data is superimposed over the graph, the zone is shown by the
colored section. Each of the four zones can be switched on/off.
lap points
target zone 1
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Pop-up menu
With right-click on the graph area, the following pop-up menus appear.
Record Memory ---- Each function listed in the sub menu (heart rate, speed and cadence) can
be switched on/off.
Lap data ------------- Each function listed in the sub menu (heart rate, speed and cadence) can
be switched on/off.
H.R. target zone --- Each zone listed in the sub menu can be switched on/off.
Zoom In (Z) --------- Zooms the designated section of the graph.
Reduce (D) ---------- Restores the zoomed graph to its previous state.
Specify Range (S) - The data in the specified range is shown in the information panel 1.
Calibration (C) ------ The calibration of the horizontal axis can be changed. (Refer to page 21.)
Mark Clear (M) ----- The anchored markline on the graph is cleared.
Record memory data
Pop-up menu
Sub menu
Lap data
H.R. target zone
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Screen of lap data
When lap data alone is opened, the following screen appears.
Tool bar
Information panel 1
Total number of lap
Information panel 2
Graph area
heart rate
Information panel
The downloaded date and the total number of lap is shown here. The information panel 2 shows
the data where the cursor now points.
Graph area
The data of each lap point is shown: speed (blue), heart rate (red) and cadence (green).
Note: If your MSC-unit does not have cadence function, cadence data does not appear.
The cursor line jumps between each lap point.
Note: You cannot superimpose other data over the lap data graph.
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Screen of heart rate target zone
When heart rate target zone data alone is opened, each zone’s upper limit, lower limit and zone
stay time is shown in the table format.
This image cannot be printed.
Tool bar
H.R. target zone
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Specifying range
1. Click [Specify Range] button in the toolbar. (Or choose [Tool] – [Specify Range] from the
main menu; or choose [Specify Range] from pop-up menu.)
2. On the graph area, the cursor turns into a hand-shaped cursor. Click the starting point of the
range; a line appears on that point.
Start time
←Start point
3. Click the end of the range. Another line appears on that point.
figure of the specify range
←End point
End time
In the information panel 1, the “partial range” tab shows the maximum, minimum and aver-
age figure of the specified range.
When heart rate target zone data is superimposed over the graph, the zone stay time and its
ratio for each zone also appears in the information panel 1.
To clear the specified range, click the [Specify Range] button again.
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Zooming graph
1. Click [Zoom] button in the toolbar. (Or choose [Edit] – [Zoom] from the menu bar; or choose
[Zoom] from pop-up menu.)
2. On the graph area, the cursor turns into a hand-shaped cursor. Click the starting point of the
range to be zoomed. A green line appears on that point. Then click the end point.
Start time
Start point→
←End point
End time
In the information panel 1, the “visible range” tab shows the maximum, minimum and aver-
age figure of the zoomed range.
When heart rate target zone data is superimposed over the graph, the zone stay time and its
ratio for each zone also appears in the information panel 1.
Maximum/minimum/average figure
of the zoomed area
Laterally-zoomed graph
In order to zoom the graph, you must designate the range that has more than two data
points. If the range has only one data point, the alert message appears.
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Reducing graph
1. Click [Reduce] button in the toolbar.
The zoomed graph is restored to its previous state. (Or choose [Edit-] – [Reduce] from the
menu bar; or choose [Reduce] from the pop-up menu.)
This operation restores the graph to its previous state. To return the graph to its original
state, you should do the reducing operation the same number of times as the zooming
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Changing horizontal axis
1. Click [Change The Horizontal Axis] button in the toolbar. (Or choose [Edit] – [Change The
Horizontal Axis] from the menu bar.)
The horizontal axis changes from Time to Distance.
2. Click [Change The Horizontal Axis] button in the toolbar again. It changes from Distance to
Changing calibration in horizontal axis
The setting of the horizontal axis can be changed.
1. With a right-click on the graph area, the pop-up menu
appears. Choose [Calibration].
2. A dialogue box appears. Enter the calibration’s interval
and the gauge’s starting point.
3. To clear the calibration, uncheck the check-box.
4. Click [OK].
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Smoothing graph
The graph line tends to be more jagged if the data covers a longer period of elapsed time. In
order to make it a more easy-to-read graph, there are five smoothing levels.
1. Click [Smooth] button in the tool bar. (Or choose [Edit] – [Smooth] from the menu bar.)
To choose the smoothing level, right-click the button.
Level 3
Level 5
2. Click the [Smooth] button again and the graph returns to the original state.
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Superimposing heart rate target zone data
You can superimpose heart rate target zone data over memory record data.
1. Click [Open Training Zone File over the graph] in the tool bar. (Or choose [File] – [Superim-
pose] – [Training Zone] from the menu bar.)
A dialogue box appears.
2. Choose the sample file [sample1z.csv] and click [Open].
Zone currently
shown on the
H.R. target data
target zone 1
The target zone 1 appears on the graph.
More than two zones can be chosen. Choose the desired zones from the pop-up menu. (Or
choose [View] – [Heartrate Target Zone] from the menu bar.)
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Superimposing lap data
You can superimpose lap data over memory record data.
1. Click [Open Lap Data File over the graph] in the tool bar. (Or choose [File] – [Superimpose]
– [Lap Data] from the menu bar.)
A dialogue box appears.
2. Choose the sample file [sample1l.csv] and click [Open].
lap points
The lap data appears on the graph. The lap points are shown by ◊.
lap data
Under normal conditions, the information panel 2
shows the memory record data.
However, by holding down the Ctrl key, the cursor is
pulled by the lap points and jumps between each
points. At the same time, the “Cursor” column of the
information panel 2 shows the lap data figures.
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Viewing more than two files on the screen
You can open more than two files and view them at the same time on the screen.
1. Click [Windows] in the menu bar and select the mode from [Horizontal], [Vertical] and [Cas-
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2. In [Cascade] mode, the clicked file comes up to the front.
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Printing data
1. Choose [Edit] – [Properties] from the menu bar.
Select [Monochrome] or [Color] and click [OK].
2. Click [Print] button in the tool bar. (Or choose [File] – [Print] from the menu bar.)
3. The dialogue box appears.
Change each setting as desired, and click [OK] button.
You cannot print heart rate target zone data alone.
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To exit e-Train Data
1. Click the [Exit] button in the toolbar. (Or choose [File] - [Exit] from the menu bar.)
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The data stored in the MSC-unit is downloaded to your PC by using the interface unit. Let’s
prepare the interface unit first.
Release button
Infrared-ray receiver
Battery indicator
Power switch
Port switch
Battery cover
AAA (LR03) dry batteries
Battery installation
Do not mix new and old batteries together. Do not mix different kinds of batteries
Safely dispose of old batteries. Do not place old batteries within children’s reach.
1. Open the battery cover and select the port switch inside.
If you are using MSC-2Dx or MSC-3Dx, select “C” port.
For models that transmit data by infrared ray, select “IR” port.
Battery cover
2. Install four AAA (LR03) dry batteries.
3. Turn the switch on, and see if the battery indicator turns on.
If not, re-install the batteries again, checking the correct polarity.
Power switch
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The battery life is approximately 50 hours (alkaline battery).
The interface unit continues to consume battery when the switch is on. When not using, turn
off the switch to save the battery life.
If the battery indicator does not turn on, replace the battery with new ones.
Connecting with PC
PC’s RS232C terminal
(serial port)
Connect the cable of the interface unit to your PC’s RS232C terminal (serial port).
If the cable is not securely connected to the terminal, the interface unit might fail to transmit
The 9-pin connector is applicable to IBM (or IBM PC/AT) computers. For other computers,
an adapter may be needed.
Installing MSC-unit
If MSC-unit is not securely connected to the contacts of interface
unit, the unit might fail to download data.
1. Place your MSC-unit on the interface unit as illustrated. Hook
the bottom side1 of the unit first, and then push the other
side2. The unit clicks into position.
Release button
Make sure of the position of the MSC-unit. If it is installed incor-
rectly, it might cause trouble to the unit.
2. Turn on the power switch3 and see if the battery indicator turns
Battery indicator
Removing MSC-unit
After download is completed, turn off the power switch and push
the release-button. The MSC-unit pops out.
Power switch
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Downloading data
Connect the interface unit to your PC according to the instruction in page 29. Turn on the power
switch. Install your MSC-unit on the interface unit.
1. Start Windows 95/98/2000.
2. Go to the Windows taskbar and click the [Start] button.
Select [Program] – [e-Train Data] – [e-Train Data].
3. Choose [Edit] – [Properties] from the menu bar and select the communication port from
[Com 1] to [Com 16]. (Check your communication port in your Windows’ “Control Panel”.
Refer to your Windows’ documentation.)
4. Click the [Download] button in the toolbar. The dialogue box appears.
e -Tra in Da ta ™
5. On the MSC-unit, navigate to the readout screen of the data that you want to download, by
using MODE button and SET/AT button.
Memory Record
readout screen
Memory Record
readout screen
Memory Record File screen
Lap Data
Memory Record File screen
readout screen
Lap Data
readout screen
Heartrate Taget Zone
readout screen
Heartrate Taget Zone
readout screen
6. Hold down LAP button for more than 2 seconds.
The MSC-unit starts downloading and the data is transmitted to your PC.
Download indicator
If an error occurs while downloading, the alert message appears. In this case, restart e-Train
data and download again.
One of the main reasons for not being able to download is
that MSC-unit is not securely connected to the contacts of
interface unit. Make sure that they are connected se-
If you fail to download many times, press your MSC-unit
onto the stage of the interface unit while downloading.
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7. Save the data in your PC as follows:
Record memory data:
When download finishes, the downloaded data is displayed on the screen in the graph for-
mat. When you close the file, the dialogue box appears. Specify where you want to save the
data, name it and save.
Lap data/heart rate target zone data:
When download finishes, the dialogue box appears.
Specify where you want to save the data, name it and save.
If you want to continue to download other data, repeat the process 4. to 7.
8. Download is completed. Switch off the interface unit and remove the MSC-unit.
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File (F)
Open(O) Ctrl+O
Save(S) Ctrl+S
Save As(A)
Opens a file.
Saves a file.
Saves a file in a different name.
Superimposes other data over memory record data.
Closes a file. If there are more than two files opening, they
are closed by reverse order of the opening.
Print(P) Ctrl+P
Prints data.
Finishes e-Train Data.
Zooms graph.
Edit (E)
Zoom In(I)
Restores graph to previous size.
Smoothes graph line.
Changes The Horizontal
Axis To Distance (Time) (C)
Changes the horizontal axis from time to distance (or from
distance to time).
Properties (R)
Selects the communication port; changes the setting of print-
ing mode.
View (V)
Tool Bar (T)
Show/hides the toolbar.
Information Panel (I)
Record Memory (A)
Lap Data (L)
Show/hides the information area.
Show/hides memory record data on the graph area.
Show/hides lap data on the graph area.
Heart Rate Target Zone (Z) Show/hides heart rate target zone data on the graph area.
Tool (T)
Download (D) Ctrl+L
Specify Range (S)
Opens dialogue box for downloading data.
Specifies a range of the graph and shows the maximum/
minimum/average figure of that range.
Windows (W) Vertical (V)
Horizontal (H)
Displays files lengthwise.
Displays files widthwise.
Cascade (C)
Displays files in cascades.
Help (H)
About (A)
Checks the current version of your e-Train Data
e -Tra in Da ta ™
If a malfunction occurs, check the following items before contacting Cat Eye or your retailer for
repair or service.
You cannot install e-Train Data on your PC.
Check if your PC meets the necessary conditions described in page 5.
Have you been using the old version of e-Train Data?
Uninstall the old version first.
You cannot download data from your MSC-unit.
Is the interface unit correctly connected to your PC?
Check the connection again referring to page 30.
Is the battery indicator of the interface unit turned on?
If not, the batteries have been worn out or their polarity is wrong.
Is the port switch of the interface unit correctly chosen?
For MSC-2Dx and MSC-3Dx, the port switch should be “C”.
Is the MSC-unit securely installed on the interface unit?
Check the connection again referring to page 30.
Is the communication port correctly chosen?
Choose the correct communication port from [Edit] – [Properties] of the menu bar.
Have you navigated your MSC-unit to the readout screen?
Hold down Lap button of the MSC-unit while it is showing the readout screen. When down-
load starts, the data is fast-forwarded on the screen of the MSC-unit.
If the data is not fast-forwarded, refer to page 32 or the user manual of your MSC-unit,
and set the MSC-unit correctly.
Are the contacts of the MSC-unit or interface unit dirty?
Clean the contacts.
After downloading starts, an alert message appears. Or once downloading starts, it never com-
Are the contacts of the MSC-unit or interface unit dirty?
Clean the contacts.
The contacts of the MSC-unit and interface unit might not be in a proper engagement.
Press your MSC-unit onto the stage of the interface unit while downloading.
The calibration of the horizontal axis in the graph area does not appear.
Choose [Calibration] in the pop-up menu and check “Show scales”.
You cannot print in color.
Choose [Edit] – [Property] in the menu bar and check [Color].
e -Tra in Da ta ™
2-year warranty: Only for interface unit
If trouble occurs because of production defect during normal use, the unit is repaired or replaced free
of charge. (Cat Eye must perform the service.) When returning the product for Cat Eye warranty
service, pack it carefully and remember to enclose the warranty certificate and instruction for repair.
Please make sure to type your name and address clearly on the warranty certificate, so that the
product can be shipped back to you as soon as the necessary repair/adjustment is completed.
Insurance and transportation changes to our service shall be borne by person desiring service.
Accessories such as batteries are not included in this warranty.
For United States Customers:
CAT EYE Service & Research Center
1705 14th Street, #115, Boulder, CO 80302 U.S.A.
Phone: 303-443-4595
Toll Free: 800-5CATEYE
Japan Office
Fax: 303-473-0006
CAT EYE Co., Ltd.
2-8-25 Kuwazu, Higashi Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 546-0041 Japan
For quick warranty service, please register your interface unit. Cat Eye provides you tech-
nical support and new product information as much as possible.
Please register on-line through our web site, or send the registration card directly to our
Customer Service section. For registration, please fill in the product’s serial number (the
7-digits number marked on the back of the main unit).
If you should have questions about the software or the interface unit, please ask by e-mail
or by fax. For upgraded version of e-Train Data, please see our web site.
e -Tra in Da ta ™
Upgrading your e-Train Data
You can download the upgrade version from our web site free of charge.
Check the latest version periodically in our web site.
This software is owned by Cat Eye Co., Ltd., and its structure, organization
and code are the valuable trade secrets of Cat Eye. The software is pro-
tected by Japanese and United States Copyright Law and International
Treaty provision. You must treat the software just as you would any other
copyrighted material, such as a book. You shall agree not to modify, adapt,
or translate the software. You also agree not to reverse engineer, decompile,
disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the soft-
ware. Cat Eye Co., Ltd. does not grant you any intellectual property rights
in the software.
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